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Estimado miembro de MVEC:

Estimado miembro de MVEC: Estamos conscientes de que las cosas están cambiando rápidamente respecto al COVID-19. Queremos asegurarte que nuestro equipo está trabajando duro para mantener nuestras operaciones funcionando lo mejor posible. Algo que ha cambiado es que los lobbies de todas nuestras oficinas seguirán cerrados al público hasta nuevo aviso. Las ventanillas de autoservicio y los buzones en todas las oficinas de MVEC permanecerán abiertos de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 PM. Como miembros de la comunidad, estamos aquí para ayudarte cuando nos necesites, incluyendo: • Darte información relacionada con tu factura eléctrica y... Read more...


ERCOT The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages the flow of electric power to more than 25 million Texas customers - representing about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. ERCOT During summer and winter, electricity usage across the state is at its highest. This is why ERCOT is most likely to issue Energy Alerts during these times of year. If you’re unfamiliar with ERCOT and ERCOT Alerts or why you need to be aware of them, the FAQs on this page are a great way to learn more. You can also find additional information about ERCOT by visiting their website at We also... Read more...

Capital Credits

Capital Credits The retirement of capital credits is the tangible demonstration of your ownership in Magic Valley. Magic Valley Returns $5.5 Million in Capital Credits to Members As a member-owned cooperative, MVEC operates as a not-for-profit utility. This year your board of directors has approved to retire capital credits to those consumer-members who received electric service in 1998 and a portion of capital credits in 2018. What are Capital Credits? Any profits made by the cooperative are referred to as margins. At the end of each year, the margins (profits) are allocated to each member in proportion to the amount of electricity they purchased. The more... Read more...