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    Personal Information

    Household Information

    Academic Information

    Extra Curricular Activities/Awards

    List any organizations/extra curricular activities you have participated in during high school.
    (Please add additional rows if necessary.)

    List any honors/awards you have received during high school.
    (Please add additional rows if necessary.)

    Community Involvement

    List any community involvement in which you have participated in during high school.
    (Please add additional rows if necessary.)

    Work Experience


    Select a topic from the list below and write an essay of 600 to 1000 words in response.

    Essay 1

    Identify potential obstacles that you may encounter during your college career. Explain how you would overcome those obstacles in order to achieve success.

    Essay 2

    If you had a chance to have a 30- minute conversation with any person (either living or deceased), who would it be? Why? What topics would you discuss with this person?

    Essay 3

    If you had the authority to change your school in a positive way, what specific change would you make.

    How Did You Hear About the MVEC Scholarship?

    Application Checklist

    Application is NOT complete without each of the following:

    Transcript from last school attended.

    SAT/ACT scores.

    Three (3) letters of recommendation.

    Copy of MVEC electric bill.

    General Rules

    1. Scholarships are available up to the amount of $1,875 per semester, not to exceed two (2) semesters per year.
    2. Scholarships must be first utilized in the fall semester of the calendar year awarded and are renewable up to a maximum of ten (10) semesters with the total scholarship not to exceed $15,000.
    3. Scholarships must be used within a five (5) year period beginning with the fall semester of the calendar year in which the scholarship is awarded.
    4. In the event the recipient receives another full or partial scholarship to an accredited institution of higher education in Texas, MVEC reserves the right to revoke or adjust the scholarship award accordingly.
    5. Scholarship funds shall be sent directly to the institution for payment of tuition and related fees. Funds may also be used to cover expenses charged by the institution including room and board.
    6. All scholarships and renewals are subject to confirmation that the recipient is in compliance with all Rules, and that all Eligibility and Recipient Requirements have been met.

    Eligibility Requirements

    1. Applicants and/or their dependents that have a minimum of one-year membership with Magic Valley Electric Cooperative at the application deadline date. The membership account must be the primary residence of the applicant at the time the scholarship is awarded and throughout the term of the scholarship.
    2. Scholarship to be granted to attend an accredited institution of higher education located in Texas and are limited to undergraduate and graduate degrees.
    3. Applicant must be of good character as evidenced by at least three (3) letters from teachers, principals, counselors, etc, from the school they are currently attending.  For applicants returning to school after an extended absence, letters will be accepted from previous employers, supervisors, ministers, etc.
    4. Applicant must demonstrate a coherent degree plan and willingness to pursue a course of higher learning.
    5. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of funds available and the applicants’ eligibility.
    6. Applications must be received no later than December 5, 2024. The winners will be presented at the Magic Valley Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting on April 14, 2025. Attendance by all scholarship winners is required.
    7. Relative by blood, adoption, marriage (including step and in-law), or common law, defined as spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, half-brother, half-sister, aunt, uncle, first cousin, or domestic partner of Board members and employees of MVEC are not eligible to apply.

    Recipient Requirements

    1. Recipient must maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale and carry a minimum of 12 hours per semester or be considered by the registrar to be a full-time student.
    2. Recipients must provide a copy of their grades and statement of account history at the end of each school semester to Magic Valley Electric Cooperative before monies can be released for a subsequent semester.
    3. Recipients must provide the university with a written release form allowing MVEC to verify grades, account history and enrollment status.

    Student Signature

    I certify that I have read and understand all of the above information.

    Parent or Guardian Signature

    I certify that I have read and understand all of the above information.

    Thank you for the time you have taken to complete this application. 
    Applications must be submitted no later than December 5, 2024.

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